Home » Lifestyle Factors That Can Cause Premature Greying of Hair

Lifestyle Factors That Can Cause Premature Greying of Hair

by OnverZe
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Premature greying of hair is a common concern among people of all ages. While genetics play a significant role in determining the onset of greying, lifestyle factors can also contribute to it. Here are some of the lifestyle factors that can lead to premature greying of hair:

Stress and Anxiety

Lifestyle Factors That Can Cause Premature Greying Of Hair

Chronic stress and anxiety can cause premature greying of hair by depleting melanocytes, responsible for hair color production.


Lifestyle Factors That Can Cause Premature Greying Of Hair
Photo by Reza Mehrad on Unsplash

Smoking can contribute to premature greying of hair by causing oxidative stress, and damaging melanin-producing cells.

Nutritional Deficiencies

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Insufficient nutrition, especially of vitamin B12, can be a factor in the early graying of hair. Vitamin B12 plays a critical role in generating red blood cells, which transport oxygen to the hair follicles. Inadequate oxygen supply can harm the hair follicles, resulting in the premature graying of hair.

Pollution and Sun Exposure

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Exposure to pollution and the sun’s UV rays for extended periods may also cause premature greying of hair. These external factors can result in oxidative stress, leading to damage of cells that produce melanin and ultimately causing premature greying of hair.

Hormonal Imbalances

Lifestyle Factors That Can Cause Premature Greying Of Hair
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Premature greying of hair can be caused by hormonal imbalances. One example is thyroid disorders, which can lead to premature greying of hair.

Family History

Premature greying of hair can be influenced by family history.

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